I've spent the last three months writing about Hosea. As I've studied and written about the times in which Hosea lived, I've been shocked by the parallels between his nation and ours.
God's people worshipped false gods, sacrificed infants in the name of prosperity (to the idol Molech), and made immorality a way of life. They still talked a great game, but the worship of their idols was so intermingled with the rituals of God-worship that they exchanged faith for a form of religion, relationship with God for nothing more than words.
Hosea's world looked so much like ours that I cannot help but wonder if we will end up the way Israel did. God's people had one chance after another to repent, but they did not. It cost them everything God had given them. They lost their homeland. Their homes and all their possessions. Their wealth. Their freedom. Their lives.
We, too, stand on a precipice.
I don't have to tell you what a mess we've made of our freedom. You can see it on your news feed. In our streets. In our homes.
A precipice is not a place you remain forever. You either go forward, into destruction, or make a change that takes you to a safer place. We have a choice to make as a nation. Will we do what it takes to become the strong, healthy, and unified nation our founders intended or not?
It's that simple.
One moment.
One chance.
A group of ministers in Tupelo, both black and white, have called for a Day of Prayer on Monday, July 11, 2016. A 24-hour prayer vigil will be held at the Temple of Compassion and Deliverance in Tupelo. It begins tomorrow (Monday, July 11, 2016) at 6 am and runs until Tuesday at 6 am. The address is 1148 N. Madison St. in Tupelo.
I'm going, and I hope you will, too.
When God says He will move in response to the prayers and repentance of His people, He's not kidding, but our repentance and prayers are not optional, either.
We've complained about the situation in our community and our nation. We've grumbled about the killings and the anger and the violence. We've trembled in fear at what is happening.
Now, we have a chance to come together and make a difference. We must not let this opportunity go by.
It doesn't matter what I think we should do. It doesn't really matter what anyone thinks we should do. At this point, all that matters is what God wants us to do.
We already know what He wants.
"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 nasb
Humbling ourselves is not optional. Praying and seeking His face is not optional. Turning from our wicked ways is not optional. It must all be done.
BUT, if we do what God says, He will hear us. He will forgive. He will heal.
Tomorrow, we will kneel together before the Only One who can make a difference. It won't matter how much pigment we have in our skin cells. It won't matter where we usually go to church.
The only thing that will matter is that we're willing to humble ourselves, repent, turn from our sins, and pray.
If we will do that, God will heal. He said He would, and He will.
It's a big IF. The question is not whether God will respond. The question is whether we will do our part.
I'm counting on you, body of Christ. A nation in desperate trouble is counting on you, and they don't even know it.
Now is our moment. Now is our chance. We dare not let this pass.
I'll be there at 6 am. I hope you will be, too.
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's extra post: Your Life Matters to Me and to: The Fish Hook Gift
#yourlifematterstome #714 #saveournation #disciple
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