Some years ago, I was going through a particularly difficult time. Perhaps you've experienced a time like that. I was devastated by the events, powerless to change them, and unable to see any light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.
In a similar time, a friend had given me some daffodils. I had planted the bulbs and, much to my surprise, by the time the daffodils bloomed, things were better. I called them my Overcomer Daffodils.
Not long after this next difficult time came, I was wandering through a lawn and garden section and saw a big bag of daffodil bulbs. I bought them, went straight home and planted them, and started praying that things would again be better by the time they bloomed.
I got distracted. Winter weather made farming particularly difficult. I was as busy as could be, and I forgot about the daffodils. When they bloomed, I was thrilled. It was a sign. I was sure of it.
What I quickly realized was that the sign was not that my circumstances or difficult situation had changed, or would change. It had not. It would not for quite some time. The one who had changed was me. I had relinquished the difficulty to the only One who could intervene, and He was healing me. This time, those daffodils were a symbol of the grace I had received to overcome a hard time and be more like Christ than I had been before.
Daffodils are still a symbol of overcoming adversity to me and tonight, as I sit in my rocker on my upstairs porch, I'm surveying years of daffodils and savoring the victory those daffodils represent. God's been good to me, dear ones, and all these glorious flowers are a testimony to His faithfulness and His grace.
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