Thursday, November 13, 2014

The thanksGiving Series: the road to hell

My grandmother used to say, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I'm pretty skeptical about her theology, since it is sin that paves our road to hell and nothing else, but she meant well. One of the reasons my grandmother used that adage so often was that I sometimes have the tiniest of problems with good intentions. 

On an occasion or two, well okay on many occasions, I have gotten distracted and missed whatever it was I was supposed to do. Today was one of those days. 

I bought celery this morning to dry it in the oven as celery flakes so I could demonstrate how to save money by making your own dried celery. Unfortunately, I got distracted by the novel I am writing, ended up researching Uzbekistani terrorists for longer than I could stand, and developed a very wild twist for the story. The celery is still in the refrigerator, stalk still intact. 

I'm disappointed by my failure because I think it's cool to dry your own celery. I am very certain, however, that these good (but unfulfilled) intentions did not pave the road to hell for me! I did that with my own bad choices. I'm not on that path now, though!

Isn't it amazing that we can be headed right down the road to hell, end up right against the very gates of hell itself, yet our Warrior Redeemer can roll up His sleeves, wade into the fray, and, with His strong right arm, demolish our path of destruction and set us free? It was for freedom that He set us free. That's an odd turn of phrase to me but full of such promise. He set us free and He means for us to stay free. Neither terrorists, nor novel competitions, nor potentially dried celery should distract us from freedom. 

In the midst of all the distractions of life, let's be sure we do not become distracted from the path of freedom. Let's stay free and live free that the world might know the Redeemer who released us from our bondage and freed us from our sin. 

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