I mentioned last week that I heard Dr. Bryant Barnes refer in a message to “careless Christianity,” a lifestyle he described as living, not in full surrender to the Lord, but instead giving Him as “little as we think we can get by with.” As I’ve pondered that statement throughout the week, I’m really thinking folks who subscribe to careless Christianity just may be surprised one day when they hear Jesus say, “I never knew you; depart from me.” (Matt. 7:23)
Christ-following is a really big commitment. It’s most definitely not a one-time salvation encounter with Jesus and then back to the business of living your life. Not even close! Once we meet the Savior, everything changes – literally. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” When a person accepts Jesus as Savior, they are changed from the inside out, beginning with a necessary heart transplant. Then the discipline of following Jesus really begins, along with the daily dying to self and constant surrendering to His Lordship. And that’s not easy, is it?
Let’s chew on that for a minute because it’s one of the many conditional “if-then” statements in scripture. “IF you love Me, [THEN] you will obey what I command.” I wish I could think of any other interpretation here, but I can’t. Clearly, according to Jesus Himself, IF I love Him, I will obey Him. Period! I will want to obey whatever He asks of me because I love Him. It’s the same in a marriage relationship. When my wife asks something of me, I want to do it for her because I love her. That is my motivation. And so it is with following Jesus – we follow Him because we love Him and because we trust Him. We have only to look to Calvary for a permanent reminder of His love extended to us.
In closing, consider these words from Henry Blackaby:
I don’t want to be a careless Christian; I want to be a committed, fully-surrendered Christ follower. Let’s take that journey together this week, not neglecting a single opportunity to spend time in His Word, in prayer, in worship privately and corporately, in fellowship with other believers, and in ministry to a lost world that is desperately seeking a savior. May they see in us that we know Him, we follow Him, and that His name is JESUS!
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