Today, we look at the rich man's view of the future and God's response.
The rich man surveyed all that he owned, made plans to store all his grain and his goods, then came to some interesting conclusions.
1. I will always have wealth.
2. I don't need to work anymore.
3. I will live a long time.
4. It's my turn for fun. (Eat, drink, and be merry!)
He didn't say, "I have more than enough. It's time to help others." He didn't say, "I'll see how I can make a difference in the world around me." No. He was only concerned about himself, his own pleasure, and how he would use the wealth he had accumulated for himself.
God had an entirely different view of his situation. God saw the man, his accumulated wealth, and his barns. He also saw the man's heart. God's conclusions were interesting, too.
1. Life is short.
2. You can't take it with you.
3. A life lived for material things is a poor and foolish life.
God told the man, "You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?"
Jesus told His disciples that the man who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God is just like this foolish man. Our tendency, especially in a society of wealth and entitlement, is to think that we "deserve" what we have and should be able to spend our money however we want. Jesus makes it clear that the truth is quite different.
The "things" we accumulate do not have eternal significance. We will leave every single thing we have behind when we die, even those things we have treasured. It is, therefore, critical that we make preparations for eternity with the same diligence we prepare for our later years.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 19-21 NASB
If we want wealth that lasts, we must store it in heaven by the lives we live now. Eternal treasure begins by following Christ rather than the world. It begins by obedience to His commands and doing our work in ways that honor Him rather than ourselves.
Making a change in our lives (and in our investment strategies) requires that we begin by an assessment of our current situation. For today, look at the wealth you have accumulated on earth. How does it compare to the wealth you have accumulated in heaven? What have you stored where there is no moth or rust to destroy? Where no thieves break in and steal? Are we following Him in such a way that we are investing in the Kingdom of God?
Making a change in our lives (and in our investment strategies) requires that we begin by an assessment of our current situation. For today, look at the wealth you have accumulated on earth. How does it compare to the wealth you have accumulated in heaven? What have you stored where there is no moth or rust to destroy? Where no thieves break in and steal? Are we following Him in such a way that we are investing in the Kingdom of God?
Almighty God, help me to see my wealth, my finances the way You see it. Help me store up treasure in heaven rather than simply here on earth. Show me Your ways and help me walk in them. In Jesus' name, Amen.
**** Tomorrow we will look at ways to store treasure in heaven, so be sure to check back.
Dave Ramsey made a statement that has stayed with me: God can't bless a closed fist. When we open our hands to help others, God blesses us in many ways - most of them aren't financial!