Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Grateful Heart: The Blessing of Position

It was just after 6 am when I headed out. Light was dawning, but most of the sky was still dark. As I drove up the ramp to the interstate, I thought, "This sure is a gloomy morning for driving." By the time I'd merged onto the interstate, I realized my mistake. 

There was a glorious sunrise, but it was only visible when I moved into position. 

The dictionary defines "position" as a "condition with reference to place, location, or situation", but position is also defined as "mental attitude." It's that mental position that can have the most impact on our lives. 

Perhaps you've had the same experience I've had. Up close to a situation, it looks like the worst possible event. Destruction. Devastation. No hope of survival. I've had a few times in my life where the situation looked so bleak, all I knew to do was get face-flat on the floor and weep before the Lord, begging for intervention. 

Years later, though, I look back on those situations as great blessings and gifts from God because of how I grew, what I learned, the ways my faith was strengthened.  Even when the situation didn't change, my "position" to it changed, and thus my perspective.

Today, I thank God for the blessing of position that allows me to see even the hard times in a different way.

Malachi wrote about a time when our position will make all the difference. A time is coming, he wrote, when God will judge this world. Those who love Him and those who don't will experience the same events, but the outcome will depend on their position ahead of time.

"But for you who fear My name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall." (Malachi 4:2 nasb)

No matter what we face today, no matter how hard the circumstances, our position will change, whether the actual circumstances change or not. If we are willing, our Lord will move us through whatever we face. On the other side, the new position will allow us to look back and see the evidence of His hand all along the way. 

So take hope. If the view from your position is not all you'd hope, hang on. A few miles down the road, a glorious sunrise may burst into view and make your wait worthwhile.
In case you missed any of the past week's posts, here are the links:  Answered Prayers in Disguise,  Grateful Heart: MizpahNigerian Nightmare,  Grateful Heart: Maggie Protects her MasterGrateful Heart: Hard TimesRed Hot Christmas Pickles and the Broken Jar, and Grateful Heart: The Beginning of Stories.

The most read post of the last week: Praying for Peace.
#perspective #disciple #JesusChrist #position

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