Psalm 56 was part of the Chronological Bible daily reading for today. At the top of Psalm were these words: "A Mikhtam of David."
The word "Mikhtam" (according to biblestudytools.com) means "golden" and indicates words that are so precious that they have been written down on a tablet to preserve them. The words of this psalm, then, are considered of great value, like gold. In a way, they are golden words.
This psalm was written by David during the time when Saul was pursuing him to murder him. The situation had become so precarious that David had taken refuge with the Philistines in Gath. The Philistines were enemies of Israel. David seeking refuge there would be like us leaving the United States to take refuge with a terrorist cell to hide from people in our homeland who sought to hurt us.
David was caught between two terrible choices. If he stayed home, he faced certain death from Saul or non-stop fighting and hiding to avoid it. If he went to the Philistines, he faced possible death and non-stop fighting and hiding to avoid it. There was no good option.
It's clear from these words that David was weary and afraid to the point of tears. But. He had put his trust in God and he made a concious decision to keep his trust in God, not man.
That introduction made me want to see exactly what words would be considered golden. As I read through the psalm, I found these words:
"When I am afraid, I will put my trust in Thee.
In God, whose word I praise,
In God I have put my trust;
I shall not be afraid.
What can mere man do to me?"
"Thou has taken account of my wanderings;
Put my tears in Thy bottle; Are they not in Thy book?"
Psalm 56:3,4, 8 nasb
In the midst of death threats, misunderstandings, and deliberate distortion of his words, despite his fear and sorrow and fatigue, David had a choice to make. He could give in to despair or cling to his faith.
David chose faith.
David chose hope.
David chose worship and thanksgiving.
Why? David recognized the watch care of God. God knew him, knew where he was and what he faced. He also knew that God would keep every promise He had given David.
In the midst of hard times, we, too, may be overwhelmed with sorrow and fear, but we don't have to stay in that mindset. We can, like David, choose faith, hope, worship, thanksgiving because we have not been forgotten or overlooked. We, too, serve a God who knows the circumstances we face and always keeps His promises.
They are golden words, indeed. No need to fear. God is on His throne and He will not be thwarted.
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's blog post:
The Totality of Trouble and Complete Deliverance
The Totality of Trouble and Complete Deliverance
In case you missed one of the Sam stories, here are the links:
The Importance of I Love You
Just Plain Sam
Abominations, The Bible, and Praying for Our Nation
The Importance of Your Word
#MondayMotivation #fear #hope
Just Plain Sam
Abominations, The Bible, and Praying for Our Nation
The Importance of Your Word
#MondayMotivation #fear #hope
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