I should've learned from past experience, but I didn't. The Hired Hand tried to tell me it was a bad idea. Repeatedly. But I didn't listen. I was determined to have a garden. A big garden. So, we forged ahead.
We plowed and harrowed and tilled until I was sick of preparations. The Hired Hand told me the ground wasn't right. We needed soil testing and to add whatever it is this ground needs. Yes, the soil in the photo is the very pitiful soil in my garden.
"It isn't ready." He said it until I couldn't stand to hear it any more.
I planted anyway. I'd grown a garden in that crummy soil before, and I was determined to do it again.
In retrospect, my garden had always struggled in that location, but I had planted so many seeds that I managed to get as much produce as I could use.
Yesterday, I took a serious look at the plants in my garden and made a decision. The Hired Hand is right. The soil isn't ready for a garden. I looked at my raised beds, filled mostly with "barnyard fertilizer" and realized they aren't quite ready, either. They do have nutrients in the soil that make plants grow, and they are definitely the better choice for my struggling plants.
It wasn't what I wanted to do on a Saturday, but I spent a good portion of yesterday making a swap. I carefully dug up all the Brussels sprouts and planted them in one of my raised beds. Next, I dug up all the cabbage, then the red cabbage, then the onions. They all have a new home in a raised bed with much better soil.
Before I'm done, all the plants will have a new home. They'll make it or they won't, but, in their new home, they will definitely have a better chance to thrive.
All this has, of course, brought the parable of the sower to mind. You probably remember that story. The sower scattered seed along the roadside. Some of it fell beside the road and the birds ate it. Other seeds fell on rocky soil, others among the thorns. None of those seeds survived.
It was only the seeds that fell on good, fertile soil that grew a crop.
Jesus said our hearts are just like the soil. Some are so enmeshed in the world that we hear the truth of Jesus, but can't understand it. Others make a start but don't follow through. Our hearts aren't prepared to persevere enough to learn the ways of God. Some of us allow the worries of this world to choke out the truth we know.
There are only a few, Jesus said, who hear the truth of Jesus, understand it, and apply it in their lives. It is those people whose lives bear fruit in ways we cannot even imagine. They bring forth thirty, sixty, even one hundred fold what was planted in them.
When I look at the soil in my garden, I know it needs some serious work. When I look at the soil in my heart, I can see it needs some work, too.
What about you?
Today, let's take a look at our own hearts. Do we have hearts of fertile soil for God's truth or not?
If not, are we willing to allow God the freedom to change the "soil" of our hearts?
Will we allow Him to test us and modify us so that we can begin to be the fruitful disciples He intended?
"And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty." Matthew 13:23 nasb
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: Touching the House of God (http://leannahollis.blogspot.com/2016/05/touching-house-of-god.html)
For those doing the Hosea study, the Chapter Four lesson is now live and here's the link: Chapter Four
In case you're interested, here are links to two other sower blog posts: The Roadside Seed and The Special Seed
#gardening #goodsoil #disciple
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: Touching the House of God (http://leannahollis.blogspot.com/2016/05/touching-house-of-god.html)
For those doing the Hosea study, the Chapter Four lesson is now live and here's the link: Chapter Four
In case you're interested, here are links to two other sower blog posts: The Roadside Seed and The Special Seed
#gardening #goodsoil #disciple
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