Jan, Edith, and I took a field trip to the curb market in Pontotoc yesterday. These two young men both work there. I had several questions about the produce and they were eager to help, happy to answer with a smile, and even offered to carry my produce to the car.
(I'm sorry to say that Jan and Edith had to carry their own produce, but that was because I made a deal on old cherries and had a lot to carry. It might also have been because I bought more than they did.)
While we shopped, the young men moved cantaloupes from one crate to another. I'm not sure why they needed to be moved, but the guys had a great time tossing the melons. I was surprised (and gladdened) by their accuracy.
"It looks like you guys have fun a work. Is this a good place to work?"
"Oh, yes, ma'am. We love it here. We have a good time every day."
I watched them work and realized that the tasks they perform every day are not easy. They do hard, physical labor. The boxes of fruits and vegetables are heavy. The produce is fragile. Care must be taken not to damage the wares.
They have fun at work because they've decided to enjoy their job. Joy springs up inside them and, though they have physically demanding work, they do it with enthusiasm and without a word of complaint.
It's the way the people of God are to approach life, not just in work, but in matters of faith and family, as well. Whole-hearted living brings joy to our journey and sweetness to our service. It brings contentment, regardless of our circumstances.
As we start a new week, let's commit ourselves to wholehearted discipleship without complaint. Embrace faith, family, and work with everything we have, and serve our Lord and our neighbors with joy and love.
That's what Jesus did, and it's what we're supposed to do, too.
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."
Ecclesiastes 9:10 nasb
For those doing the Hosea study, the link for Chapter Five is now live. (http://lessonsindiscipleship.blogspot.com/2016/05/hosea-chapter-five.html)
For those who missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post:The Best Kind of Wall to Have (http://leannahollis.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-best-kind-of-wall-to-have.html)
Here's the link to the snake story: Sam the Snake Handler and Our Big Adventure
#lovemywork #wholeheart #disciple #linesfromleanna
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