I wrote yesterday about the problem of worldwide terror and the desperate need for individuals to step up and make a difference.
I often wonder what impact one silver-haired woman in a tiny Mississippi town can make. You may feel the same way about yourself.
When I look at the lives of people like William Wilberforce, who helped to abolish slavery in Britain, Mother Teresa, who loved the least of us, and Anne Frank, a teenager whose diary humanized the struggle of the Holocaust for the rest of the world, it becomes obvious that one person can make a difference.
Even an ordinary person like me can make a bigger impact than you may think.
Scores of people have invested in me, loved me, encouraged me, and mentored me over the years. Their investment has reaped dividends in my changed life.
When I held women as they wept at the recent prayer vigil, my tears mingling with theirs, all those Leanna-investors, in a sense, held them with me. When I spoke about hope last week, all those Leanna-investors, in a sense, spoke with me. Any fruit in my life belongs to those investors, as well.
When I write, the influence of those who've gone before me is evident. Mentors. Fellow authors. Much loved writers from the past. They all have a part in what I do.
What's truly amazing to me is that, when the people I've mentored, loved, and influenced reach out to those around them, my mentors and I have a tiny little part of their reaching out, too.
It's an ever-increasing ripple. One person can have an impact that's magnified over and over again. My pebble of love can make a ripple that touches hearts around the globe.
We can change the world. One person at a time.
George Muller was a 19th century minister who was a great man of prayer. If he had a need, he took it to the Lord and waited for his provision. Muller never asked anyone for help. Not even once.
With the provision of God alone (through the donors God prompted), Muller managed to feed and educate more than 10,000 orphans.
Once, Muller began to say the blessing before a meal without any food in the house. Before he was done praying, the baker arrived with bread for the children. A milk truck broke down outside and the milkman gave him all the milk he needed. Every need was met. His only request went to God alone.
Muller impacted thousands of children and adults during his life, but his story continues to impact people today. One ordinary man, surrendered to God, was used to change the world.
We, too, can be a modern-day Muller. We may not rescue orphans from the street but we can love with the passion of Muller. We can give with the generosity of Muller.
I can't do everything, but I can do that which God places in my path with the passion and love of Christ. You can, too.
Today, let's look around us and do what we can do by the power of God.
Who needs the love we can give? Let's give it.
Who needs a word of encouragement? Let's speak it.
Who needs a helping hand? Let's offer it.
What one problem are we equipped to impact? Let's do it.
If we all do what we can do, by the power of God, we will make an enormous difference in the world around us. If those we impact do the same, the effect will be more than we can imagine.
Exceedingly abundantly more.
It will never happen if we wait, though. Today is the day. Now is the time. Let's allow God to direct our hearts to the task He needs us to do, and do it.
A world in turmoil waits for one person to step up and speak the peace and love they long to hear.
Be the one.
"Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21 nasb
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: Terror and Waging War with Love and also to After Baton Rouge.
Here's a link to a post about how our efforts are combined: The Blended Fruit#powerofone #disciple #prayer #GeorgeMuller
So true, Leanna! I get stuck in "what can I do" mode far too often. In the front of my journal, I have written "Show me how to love someone today." If I would follow that, my tiny corner of the world would be a much better place and the ripple would extend out from there.
ReplyDeleteI love that, Sherry. "Show me how to love someone today." Yes!