It's easy to overlook the miracles of grace with which our lives are filled, isn't it?
A roof over our heads. Food in our bellies. Clothes on our backs. Children in our homes. All are gifts from God.
Every heartbeat, every breath are miracles of grace, yet easily taken for granted. The heartbeats, the breaths of our loved ones are miracles of grace, as well.
The sacrifice of Christ in payment of my sin and yours is another miracle of grace that is tragically undervalued.
As if those gifts were not enough, our Lord, through His Spirit, offers a relationship that is breathtaking in scope and depth, an attention to our daily needs that is nothing short of intimate, and a friendship that is beyond all others.
It's a miracle of grace that God would offer such treasure, yet how often do we embrace those gifts wholeheartedly and with the reverence and gratitude they deserve?
God's blessings don't come in sprinkles or tiny trickles. If we acknowledged the magnitude of His blessings, we'd see they are dispersed in such abundance, we can barely receive them.
If we counted our blessings instead of our pain, sorrow, trouble, and hurts, we might see God's hand at work around us with greater clarity.
As we begin this new day, this new week, let's take note of those grace-gifts that God pours out upon us like water from a firehose and give thanks to the One from whom all blessings flow.
"Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow." James 1:17 nasb
In case you missed it, here's the link for yesterday's post: Having Eyes That See
Here's the link to the prayer guide: The Prayer List
Here's the link to my Global Outreach page: Leanna Hollis M.D.
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