Sunday, October 2, 2016

Five Characteristics of a Miracle and One All-Important Requirement for Having One

I was exhausted from 12 and 14 hour days, and increasingly desperate for a miracle. I wanted it now. I wanted it big. I did not want to wait one more minute.

I'd worked as hard as I could, as long as I could, for as many hours as I could. I was so far past exhaustion that I was to the point of collapse. Finally, the dogs and I walked across the levee into the pasture on the other side. I needed a few minutes to myself. No interruptions. No one wanting more.

 I'd planned a peaceful ramble across my land. As I rounded the corner, I started to weep. Big, heaving sobs. Rivers of tears. Loud cries to God. I sank to the ground, shocked by the intensity of my emotion, and let my tears mingle with the parched dirt.

When I was cried out, I walked for a while, numb with fatigue, frustration, and uncertainty. I'd done what God said. He'd done what He'd said He would, but He hadn't done what I thought I needed the most, and I wasn't happy about it.

The next morning, I opened my Bible to John 2 and began to read. It was the story of the miracle at Cana. Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine. His mother came to him and said, "They're out of wine." She clearly expected Him to do something.

In the margin of my Bible, written twelve years before, was the answer to the question I hadn't realized I was asking. 

How can I make a miracle happen?

I can't. It's that simple.

Here's a few facts worth remembering about miracles, drawn from the margin of my Bible:

1) Miracles happen on God's timetable, not ours.

2) The purpose of a miracle is not convenience, but to manifest God's glory and draw people to belief in Him. 

3) Miracles usually come when we have nothing of ourselves left on which we can rely, and no way to procure more. (Yes. When God is all we have left, we find He was all we really needed.)

4) Jesus' miraculous provision is better than the best the world can offer. 

5) Jesus' miraculous provision is always abundant. Water to 120 + gallons of wine. Five loaves to enough for thousands. It's always more than enough.

There's only one thing we must do to have a miracle. Obedience, especially when it doesn't make sense.

Topping out the ritual wash-water pots didn't make sense at all when they needed wine. Without the obedience of pot-filling, though, they'd have missed the best wine of all.

Is God asking you to do something that won't make sense to the world? Do it. 

Are you desperate for a miracle? Take your need to Christ and do whatever He says. It's that simple. It's that hard.

Obedience. Never easy. Always worth it.

"This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory and His disciples believed in HIm." John 2:11 nasb
In case you missed the story of Sam's project, here's the link: Sam's Project: Rubber Boots for Barefoot Rwandan Children
If you'd like to give to help buy boots for the barefoot school children of Rwandan, you can go directly to the project page here: Help Sam's Kids. We're making good progress. More than 300 pairs of boots have been given so far. 10% of the need has already been met!

In case you missed yesterday's post, here's the link: The Sorry That Can Take You Straight To Hell and here's the link to this week's guest blogger: I'm Fine and Other Lies
#miracle #Jesus 

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