Saturday, January 28, 2017

A Day-Dawning Fresh Start

I'm writing from midtown Atlanta, watching the sun rise over the city and listening to the tune playing in my head. "It's a new day dawning..." The sky has turned from black to dark blue and, as I'm typing, light has begun to pour into the room. I can just barely hear the street sounds as the city comes alive again.

Another day. A fresh start. A new beginning. 

A new creation.

That's how Paul described those who are in Christ. Old things passed away. New things have come. (2 Cor. 5:17) The sinful ways and habits of our old life are replaced by new, godly ways and habits. Faith replaces doubt. Love replaces hate. Hope replaces despair. Peace replaces anxiety. Power and love replace fear. Joy replaces sadness.

Because of Jesus, we can be made new, no matter how long we've searched or what we've done. We can have a day-dawning fresh start. 

Do we have sin? We can be forgiven.

Do we have hurt? We can be healed.

Do we have fears? We can be comforted and emboldened.

Do we have bondage? We can be released.

Whatever the need, Jesus can meet it. 

Today, why not begin this new day with a fresh heart? Let's spend time with the One who loves us most and allow Him to cleanse us and make us new.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 nasb
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's blog: Living on Devil-Bread
For those who want to do the James study on your phone, here's the link: Lessons in Discipleship
If you'd like to participate in the James study, here's how: More than Enough: Living a Life Worth Living
If you'd like to help support this ministry, here's the link to give your tax-deductible donations: Global Outreach Acct 4841

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