"For judgment will be merciless to the one who has shown no mercy, for mercy triumphs over judgment." James 2:13 nasb
Mercy is not merely goodwill toward those who have need, but also a desire to do something about their need. Mercy is being moved about starving children in Africa AND doing something about their hunger. It's looking at a difficult situation and saying, "What can I do about this?" Mercy doesn't stop at asking. Mercy does something to help.
One touching story after another makes its way into our social media feed. I'm great at "liking" the posts, but mercy is not hitting the "heart"/love button. Mercy is action that makes a difference. Making a donation. Offering food or shelter to those in need. Volunteering in a soup kitchen.
Mercy is helping in a tangible way.
That's what God did for us. He saw our sin need and, in mercy, decided to do something about it. It's the reason Jesus came. For mercy and grace. He didn't give us what we deserved. Instead, He gave us what we most needed: salvation from our sin.
Our job, then, is to exhibit the same kind of mercy Jesus did. He saw our need, knew we might not want what He offered, but He gave Himself anyway. His mercy triumphed over the judgment due us.
According to James, mercy is not optional.
Today, let's act a little more like Jesus. Let's look for a need and meet it. No whining. No patting ourselves on the back. Just do it.
"My food," Jesus said, "Is to do the will of Him who sent me..." John4:34 niv
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: Why Do We Stay?
This ministry of prayer and outreach (digital and in-person) is only possible because of the generosity of your support. If you'd like to help, here's the link to give your tax-deductible donations: Global Outreach Acct 4841 or you can mail your check or money order to:
Global Outreach/ PO Box 1, Tupelo MS 38802. Be sure to put Account 4841 in the "for" line.
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