For the last two weeks, a kind of writer's block has been steadily creeping into my typing fingers and my brain. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to say, which for a woman with many words, is remarkable.
My blog posts have been a struggle. I've rewritten old posts from years ago. Given them photos. Dressed them up a bit. Still, they were warmed-over-leftovers. Not fresh meat.
"I'm tired," I complained.
"You need to rest," my friends said.
I spent an afternoon resting and rambling in the woods. Hours of Bible study. Extra time on my knees. Visits with friends. Nothing seemed to help.
Had I written all I'd ever write? I considered announcing that I was discontinuing my blog. (I'm not...)
This morning, I scrolled through photos hoping and praying for a writing trigger. When I found the sign for Thankful Baptist Church, just outside Atlanta, I laughed out loud. It reminded me of some of my favorite verses.
When you quote a passage of Scripture at least once a week, it should come back to you when needed. It's taken a while, but I finally have it again.
"Offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving... I shall rescue you and... I shall show the salvation of the Lord." Psalm 50:14,15,23 nasb
Giving thanks is a God-directed path out of trouble, including writer's block.
Today, I'm giving thanks for many things. The discipline has lifted my spirits already.
Ryan. Family. Old friends and new. Vision. Upcoming travel. Provision. Snuggly dogs. House. Land. Daffodils in the spring. Azaleas. My solar clothes-dryer. Horses. Barn. Sunrise. Sunset. The internet...
God's given me stories, both poignant and funny, and He's given me an abundance of readers, for whom I'm especially grateful.
As I've surveyed the things around me, I don't see anything for which I'm not grateful.
God's been good to me. I, among all people, am especially blessed.
Today, I'm thanking my way out of writer's block and humbled by the blessings God has already bestowed upon me.
Are you discouraged? Has your hope begun to waver? Are you overwhelmed by trouble?
Why not take the God-directed path out of difficulties? Spend today offering a sacrifice of thanksgiving. You'll be so glad you did.
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: The Grocery Cart Inspector
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