This is the McClain building at Ajloun Baptist Conference Center in Ajloun, Jordan. It was the first building built when Dr. McClain arrived from Britain. He was an Anglican physician-missionary who came to Jordan in 1928 in response to the call of God.
He loved everyone according to the royal law of our King. Christian. Muslim. Rich. Poor. Dirty. Clean. Young. Old. He loved everyone, and so did his entire family.
Nearly a century later, people still remember the way he and his family loved and sacrificed for the people. All the doctors who followed him also loved in that bold, sacrificial way.
The story is told the, when patients needed blood before surgery, one of the surgeons would roll up their sleeves, stick out their arms, and (if theirs was compatible with the patient) give their own blood for the patient they were about to take to surgery. Regardless of the patient's religion.
Muslims and Christians alike remember Dr. McClain and the missionaries who lived on that hill because of the genuine love they showed.
Many people came to Christ because of that love.
Not one single person was drawn to Christ because of hate, meanness of spirit, prejudice, or fear.
They lived what Scripture teaches, and it worked the way God intended:
God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power, love, and a sound mind. (1 Tim 1:7)
Love God with every fiber of your being. (Matt. 22:37)
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. (Matt. 22:39)
The doctors and their families endured all kinds of hardships, but they never stopped acting like Jesus. Their impact on a nation is still being felt because of their consistency.
As I talked to people in their homes, in the markets, in the churches, one thing is clear. It's possible to make a lasting impact on a nation for the cause of Christ if we do it with love.
When my life is ended and I move to my eternal home, I want people to remember my impact on the world for years to come. I hope they forget the mistakes I've made, the times I've failed Christ.
What I hope they'll remember is how I obeyed the royal law of my King, the way Dr. McClain did.
For that kind of legacy, I have to live with love now.
Today, let's ask ourselves this hard question: Will people remember me for my unfailing love for all? Will people say I showed them Christ by my love?
If not, what are we going to do about it?
Prejudice and hate are choices we make. So is love.
Choose love.
"Love never fails... These three remain: faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:8,13
I'm writing from the Middle East, where I'm serving for three weeks through intercession and relationship. It's been a sweet time. Today, we'll be at the Prayer Center in Jerusalem. Intercession is the sweetest work of all. It's also the hardest. Pray my heart will be pure and focused and filled with love for all. Thank you!
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