Simon was in a hard spot. He had just been thinking about the weeping woman at Jesus's feet and considering what a sinful woman she was. Before he knew it, Jesus was telling a story about debtors being forgiven. It was like Jesus had read his mind! You can be sure that this very bright Pharisee could tell exactly where Jesus was headed with his story. You can also be sure he was looking for a way out. He wanted an interesting dinner guest, not a life-changing interaction around the dinner table!
Simon gave Jesus a crafty answer to the question of which debtor loved more. "I suppose the one with the bigger debt," he said. This word suppose comes from the root word lambanÅ. According to Vine's Expository Ductionary, it can be translated as receiving something "without necessarily signifying a favorable reception". It is a way of saying, "I see what you are saying, but I'm not accepting it for myself." Simon thought he was better than the woman, and he had no intention of seeing things a batter way.
We respond to Jesus with "suppose" sometimes, too, don't we? We hear "love your neighbor" and "suppose" it means the person we like least of all, but towards whom we have no intention of showing love. We hear Jesus say "forgive" and "suppose" it means the one who has hurt us so terribly, but we don't really want to forgive, do we? It's much easier to "suppose" than to allow Him to change our hearts. It is easier, but it is not better.
In what areas are you saying "I suppose" to our Lord? Why not saying, "Change me, Lord" instead?
Today, pray that we and our loved ones will be willing to not only see things God's way but also do things His way.
Link to last night's post:
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