...When they were unable to repay, he graciously forgave them both. So which of them will love him more?" Simon answered and said, "I suppose the one whom he forgave more." And He said to him, "You have judged correctly." (Luke 7:42, 43 NASB)
We are stepping back a verse or two to catch a lovely truth we missed. Jesus, as you know, told Simon the story of two debtors who were forgiven as an introduction to a defense of the woman with the alabaster vial. "Which one will love more?" He asked. Simon knew it was the one forgiven more.
The unstated implication was that the woman, who was know by reputation as a sinner, loved more because she was forgiven more. Once again, we see the principle of greatest and least in action. When you think about it, the most notorious sinner can end up as the one who loves our Lord with the most extravagant depth, simply because they KNOW the depth of forgiveness they have received. The one least deserving of forgiveness, the woman, became the one with the greatest love!
Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, And instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion... (Isaiah 61:7 NASB)
This verse gives us a glimpse of something else the woman received. Along with the forgiveness, acceptance, and vindication poured out on her that night, Jesus also replaced her shame and humiliation with joy. This was not just a little happiness, this was "shouting time" joy. Isaiah describes it as a "double portion".
The greatest love and a double portion of joy! Doesn't that make you want to repent all over again? Our Christ does not respond to repentant sinners with anger and recrimination. He responds with forgiveness, healing, and joy, and it's more than enough reason to embrace the cross and cling to Jesus.
Today, pray that we and our loved ones will bring our brokenness and sin to Christ and exchange it for the forgiveness, love and joy only He can give.
Link to last night's post: http://leannahollis.blogspot.com/2014/06/friday-night-with-friends-front-porch.html
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