I'd like to introduce you to David. He is a pastor in our area, and was part of the Eight Days of Hope construction team repairing a deck at the site where I worked on Saturday. I first met him when I nearly ran him down with a wheelbarrow full of wet dirt. It was way too full for my prissy self, and I had next to no control. He was standing on the ground a few millimeters from my path as I headed to the hole I was to fill, and my wheel hit a depression in the ground. There was a terrible lurch and I barely avoided hitting him. It was not my favorite way to meet someone, but he was gracious. After that, I headed down the path, emitting "beep, beeps " as I went, hoping to avoid a collision.
It was typical-summer-warm and the heat index was climbing. He kept right on working, drinking water non-stop. Pretty soon, a member of his team returned with a long blue rectangle. It was a tent canopy. I was surprised he'd thought to bring it, but grateful for the extra shade it afforded.
At lunch, we sat under his canopy and visited. It turned out the tent canopy was a necessity, not a luxury. David had survived two previous heat strokes. He was not taking a chance on a third, so he had come prepared with all he needed to avoid another illness.
I was frankly surprised. He saw a need that he could meet, and he did what it took to meet that need, while still being a good steward of the body God has given him. There was nothing about "I can't" in his vocabulary, but neither was he careless about the precious gift of health. He knows he has limits, respects them, and works within them.
Don't get me wrong. He wasn't focused on his health. In typical nosy doctor style, I pressed until I had the history. What he was focused on was Jesus. You should see his eyes light up when he talks about Jesus coming back! He is passionate about the Word of God, and it was a joy to meet this brother in Christ.
I frequently see people who struggle to balance what needs to be done for their health with what they want and need to do for other responsibilities. I often hear them say, "Oh, I couldn't do what you said because..." Probably you and I have done the same thing. We could all take a lesson from David. He wanted to serve, and he did, without drama, without fanfare, and with limited risk. He was not just a good servant, he was a good steward.
The next time you struggle about balance, don't just do what you can. Do what you should, as well.
Be a servant and a steward.
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