Everyone is wanting to know what happened, so here's the story! About 1 o’clock today, I had a call with a local number. I’ve had so many false alarms about Tilla that I was scared it would be another. Immediately, I sensed this would be different. This lady named Anna said she was in the car with her 6 year-old daughter about 6 blocks from my house in one of the “busier” sections of Big Stone Gap. A dog was in the road trying to cross traffic (she would have been headed right in the direction towards my house). She saw the dog and watched her get startled by traffic, then run back towards a more quiet area. This is a bushy and brushy area behind some dumpsters.
Angel Anna said she recognized the dog and remembered the Facebook post she had seen about Tilla, so she pulled off the road and followed her. She quickly pulled up the Facebook post and called me, describing Tilla perfectly even down to the tag she has on her collar. Anna and her daughter waited for me to arrive and pointed me in the direction where Tilla had gone hiding. I crawled back in the bush as best as I could and called Tilla. The most amazing thing happened! Within 30 seconds or so, Tilla came leaping out of the brush, full of wiggles and squirms! There were tears all around. We’ll never know exactly what happened to Tilla. All that matters is she’s home safe and sound after 12 days missing! My faith in humanity is restored by the wonderful kindness of Angel Anna, the diligent postings of Elissa Powers, and the many loving thoughts and prayers of friends and strangers. Tilla's home!
Thank you all!!
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