We're taking a little break from Luke 12 today to dash over to Romans 8. This is Writing Conference week, in case you didn't know, and my schedule (and my brain) are in a bit of a jumble. It has been an exciting and overwhelming week and I've seen God's hand at work all around me. I'll give a full report when I get back home.
My Abba (Daddy God) has been so nice to me that I'm looking at an "Abba passage" today, and maybe tomorrow, too.
The word translated as "being led" is agō. It could also be translated as "being carried". Close your eyes and imagine the arms of God carrying you. That's how His leading is sometimes, isn't it? We can't make the steps ourselves so He scoops us up, snuggles us close, and carries us in the way He intends us to go.
The word translated as "sons" is huios. It literally means "those who manifest a certain character".
This is the Leanna translation, but I think it's right. "For all who are being led or being carried by the Spirit of God, these are the ones who act like their Father because they are His children."
If God is leading me, even if He's having to carry me through, my behavior will be a reflection of Him. I'll act like whose I am.
If I'm my Father's daughter, I'll act like it. People will recognize it. Just as people used to say, "You look so much like your mother," they should also say, "You remind me so much of your Father."
Is that what people say about me? Is that what they say about you? It should be.
For today, if we can't walk in obedience, let's ask God to carry us into obedience, so that all who see us will say, "I know her family. She's just like her Daddy."
Abba Father, lead me, carry me through whatever You have for me today. Help me to act like You and make You proud. May all who see me, also see You in me today. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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