I love Peter. He's so forthright. His thoughts fly right out his mouth, and it's a good thing, because they're often my thoughts, too.
Peter had listened as Jesus told them about the lilies, and storing up treasure in heaven, the master who had gone to the wedding feast and the servants who waited with expectation. He listened to it all. Since some instructions had been for the disciples alone, Peter wanted to be sure about this one, too. Is this for everyone or just for us?
Jesus answered him with another parable, but He was telling Peter that His words were for everyone, and everyone includes you and me. How wild is that? 2000 years ago, Jesus spoke words that apply specifically to me today. I think they all apply to me, but in this little spot, Peter and Jesus confirm it.
I'm talking to you, Leanna, so listen up.
Why are you worrying about food, clothing, and the things you think you need? My Father will provide it all. I'm talking to you, Leanna.
Stop worrying, and don't doubt Me. (Luke 12:29) I'm talking to you, Leanna.
Be ready and waiting. I'm coming back. I'm talking to you.
We will move into some hard words from Jesus tomorrow, and we may not like them. It's important to realize, from the start, that Jesus is talking to US and He expects us to take His words seriously. Ouch.
For today, it's enough to know that the words we've just studied were also for us.
Stop worrying and don't doubt Me.
On this day, as I begin my first-ever writing conference, begin to establish myself as a "professional writer" (whatever that means), and prepare to meet with agents and editors and fellow authors, I'm very glad these words apply to me. Stop worrying, Leanna. I've got this. Don't doubt Me.
As you go about your day, remember the words of Jesus.
Stop worrying and don't doubt Me.
He's speaking directly to you. Whatever your need, He can handle it. Trust Him.
Our Father in Heaven, who sees and provides for sparrows and lilies, forgive us for our worry and our distraction by things. Help us to give our day, our lives, into Your caring hands. We choose to trust You for all that You have planned for our day and ask for the bread (and all the needs) of this one day. Help us to please You today. In Jesus' name, Amen.
photo provided by www.turnbacktogod.com
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