One of my morning Psalms today contained words that spoke to me and reminded me of my grandmother.
"One generation shall praise Thy works to another,
and shall declare Thy mighty acts.
Psalm 144:3 nasb
Parents and grandparents are to tell their children and grandchildren about all the sweet things God does for them every day. As we do, we will train them to see God at work around them. That presumes, of course, that we can see God at work around us.
The Psalm continued with these words:
And men shall speak of the power of Thy awesome acts;
And I will tell of Thy greatness.
Psalm 144:6 nasb
With those words in mind, I'm going to share one of those sweet things God did for me yesterday.
There has been so much going on in my life lately that I have hardly known which way to turn. I won't list it all, but I have a crazy number of projects underway. I've been swamped. And very nearly overwhelmed.
My church is having a four-day Thirst Revival this week. I hate to admit it, but I didn't really want to go to the revival. I was worn out and I needed a break, not another meeting. Or so I thought.
I left church yesterday morning as tired as I went, and wondered if I would get revived or not.
You may not do this, but, last afternoon, I struggled with whether or not to go back to church. The fear that I might miss a mighty move of God was the reason I finally decided I should go.
I prayed that God would begin His revival with me. "I don't want to pass time in a pew. Do something, Lord."
He did.
Last night, the preacher talked about idols in our lives. He asked us to write down the idol we needed to give up, take it to the altar, and leave it there.
What was so unusual was that he talked about idols, but I thought he talked about the burdens that were weighing me down. I had some questions for the Lord about a few issues in my life, and the preacher answered every one of them. When he got to the "write down the idol" section, I heard him say to write down my burdens, take them to the altar, and leave them there.
So I did.
It was only after I got home that I realized I had heard a different sermon than he had preached. It was the very sermon I needed to hear.
Here's what was so surprising. At the very moment (at the exact time) that I was at the altar, giving my concern to the Lord, an email landed in my inbox. When I got home, I found the email and read words that encouraged me to press on. They validated my efforts. "In case you've wondered..." it said.
Those words were exactly what I needed to hear in regard to the issues I'd taken to the altar, as were the preacher's words. Any one of those things might have happened separately, but only God put all those things together at once.
It reminded me of a verse from Luke. I love the way The Message puts it.
"There was a lot more of this - words that gave strength to the people, words that put heart in them." (Luke 3:18 MSG)
The words I heard last evening gave me strength and put heart in me, and I'm grateful for them. I saw the orchestration of God, in both words and timing, and it, too, strengthened me.
That orchestration of those words yesterday was one of those works of God we are supposed to tell others about. God saw my need and He met it. Exactly as I needed it met. It was like cool refreshment on a hot summer day.
When I share that little incident, I am praising God's works and declaring His mighty acts, telling of His greatness, speaking of the power of His awesome deeds.
We don't serve a God of paper on print, merely a story in a book. We serve a God who is intimately involved in all our days. Let's rejoice in His goodness and share the news with all who will listen.
What about you? What have you seen God do in the last few days?
Don't just soak His goodness up like a sponge. Be a sieve. Allow the goodness of God to pass through you to those around you as you share the news of all He's done.
Praise His holy name.
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: The Sweetness of Snuggling (http://leannahollis.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-sweetness-of-snuggling.html)
#PraiseHim #MondayMeditation #faithlife
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