The Nigerian Schoolgirls. The deadly attacks in Paris. The terrorist attacks in Brussels. There's been horror upon horror. Terror upon terror.
I'm sorry to say that I was so horrified after I heard the news, I couldn't find the words to respond to this latest atrocity. I'm still reeling.
This time, the horror is closer to home. A nightclub in downtown Orlando. Sunday, (June 12, 2016) an evil, hate-filled man shot and murdered 50 people and left 53 more injured.
It may or may not have been done in the name of religion, but it was definitely done in the name of hate. Of evil. Those two are running rampant these days.
Dear God, help us.
I have something to say, and it's time to listen up, hate-mongers.
If your god tells you to slaughter people in the name of religion, or that it's okay someone else did, you need another god.
If yours is a god of hate, you need another god.
If your god tells you people should be exterminated because they are different from you, you need another god.
If the evil done in Orlando yesterday looks like a victory to you, you have a serious problem. Only my God can change you, because your god is surely not sufficient.
So, hate-mongers, you need to meet Jesus, and I'm praying you do. Because He didn't kill a single sinner when He was here on earth. Instead, He died to save us all. He rose again. He reigns in Heaven. He's coming back one day.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 esv
When Jesus was here on earth, He was big on righteousness and long on grace. He loved sinners and He spent a lot of time with them. Because every single person on the earth was a sinner, except Him.
Jesus loved them just as they were, and He offered them the chance to follow Him and become more like Him. And He still does. Lots of sinners have taken that offer. Including me. And we've changed to be more like Him, although I, personally, have a long way to go.
Jesus is nothing if not persistent about righteousness. No matter what your personal favorite sin, Jesus will press you to change, especially if you're a hate-monger. It might be hard, but it's always worth it. I've learned that from experience.
I know a lot of people in the LGBT community. And I love them. I don't love them because they're gay. I love them because they are people made in the image of God. Just like I am. And every one of those people is loved by God.
I know a lot of people who are not in the LGBT community. I love them, too. I don't love them because they're not gay. I love them because they are people made in the image of God. Just like I am. And every one of those people is loved by God, too.
I have something to say, and it's time to listen up, hate-mongers.
If your god tells you to slaughter people in the name of religion, or that it's okay someone else did, you need another god.
If yours is a god of hate, you need another god.
If your god tells you people should be exterminated because they are different from you, you need another god.
If the evil done in Orlando yesterday looks like a victory to you, you have a serious problem. Only my God can change you, because your god is surely not sufficient.
So, hate-mongers, you need to meet Jesus, and I'm praying you do. Because He didn't kill a single sinner when He was here on earth. Instead, He died to save us all. He rose again. He reigns in Heaven. He's coming back one day.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 esv
When Jesus was here on earth, He was big on righteousness and long on grace. He loved sinners and He spent a lot of time with them. Because every single person on the earth was a sinner, except Him.
Jesus loved them just as they were, and He offered them the chance to follow Him and become more like Him. And He still does. Lots of sinners have taken that offer. Including me. And we've changed to be more like Him, although I, personally, have a long way to go.
Jesus is nothing if not persistent about righteousness. No matter what your personal favorite sin, Jesus will press you to change, especially if you're a hate-monger. It might be hard, but it's always worth it. I've learned that from experience.
I know a lot of people in the LGBT community. And I love them. I don't love them because they're gay. I love them because they are people made in the image of God. Just like I am. And every one of those people is loved by God.
I know a lot of people who are not in the LGBT community. I love them, too. I don't love them because they're not gay. I love them because they are people made in the image of God. Just like I am. And every one of those people is loved by God, too.
To the Orlando LGBT community, and to those in Orlando who are not in the LGBT community, I'm sorry about what happened in your city. I'm sorry about those who died. About those who were injured. I'm sorry for the friends and family members who are grieving.
I can't go to Orlando and offer a hug or a blanket or hope to the people who've lost so much, but I want you to know that I care, whether you're different from me in some way or not.
I'm praying for you.
There are people who worship hate and delight in evil, but they are not Jesus' people. He is the One who is "not willing for any to perish, but that all should reach repentance." (2 Peter 3:9 esv)
If I could, I would show you the love of Jesus, but I'm here and you're there. So let me tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you so much. He longs to help you. To mourn with you. To comfort you and carry you through. To quiet your fears and fill your heart with hope.
He's done that for me, and He'll do all that and more for you, if you'll let Him.
There are people who worship hate and delight in evil, but they are not Jesus' people. He is the One who is "not willing for any to perish, but that all should reach repentance." (2 Peter 3:9 esv)
If I could, I would show you the love of Jesus, but I'm here and you're there. So let me tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you so much. He longs to help you. To mourn with you. To comfort you and carry you through. To quiet your fears and fill your heart with hope.
He's done that for me, and He'll do all that and more for you, if you'll let Him.
I pray that the body of Christ will act as the hands and feet of Jesus to show you just how much He cares. I pray they will shine the light of Jesus into your darkest hour of fear and grief, and you will see that the light is love, not hate.
Jesus loves you, Orlando. Jesus loves you, hurting people. And this sinner-woman does, too.
Believers, there's only one way to change our sin-riddled country.
"If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 nasb
I've updated The Prayer List. It's now the featured blog post. Pray, brothers and sisters. A nation depends upon it.
#Orlando #ISIS #Muslim #hate #PrayforOrlando
If you missed yesterday's post, here's the link: Return of the Rooster and the Resurrected Jesus
Jesus loves you, Orlando. Jesus loves you, hurting people. And this sinner-woman does, too.
Believers, there's only one way to change our sin-riddled country.
"If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 nasb
I've updated The Prayer List. It's now the featured blog post. Pray, brothers and sisters. A nation depends upon it.
#Orlando #ISIS #Muslim #hate #PrayforOrlando
If you missed yesterday's post, here's the link: Return of the Rooster and the Resurrected Jesus
This is beautiful, Leanna. Yes, people filled with hate need another God - they need Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sherry. Yes, they do. I sure hope they find Him.