In desperation, I opened the freezer for a loaf of bread to make toast. I found the bread wrapper with the tail-end piece of the loaf, a mere sliver of bread.
It wasn't much of a breakfast, but I stuck it in the toaster and poured a cup of coffee, took a sip or two, then reached to get my toast. It was still frozen. I'd put it in the toaster, but had failed to turn the toaster on.
As I waited for the bread to toast (once it was actually on) I pondered whether or not I could find a lesson in that frozen bread...
It seems to me that we have a tendency to be more like the frozen bread than we realize. When we're "in Christ," but without power, we're about as attractive to the world as my icy bread. We're brittle and easily broken.
It's only when the power flows that we're thawed, warmed, and attractive, but we don't achieve that by pushing down a button. Power, for the Christian, comes when we are so connected to our Lord that nothing comes between us.
If our eternal destiny is sealed when we accept Christ, what can come between us? Unconfessed sin.
1 John 1:9 tells us that, if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness .
Sin + confession = forgiveness + right relationship with God
The problem is not on the forgiving side of this equation. The problem is on the confession side. Either we want to justify our actions and insist that what we did wasn't sin OR we want to keep our actions and continue our sin. Both of those choices yield unconfessed sin that can have an impact on our relationship with Christ for years to come.
Let's take a look at our hearts today. Are we, as disciples, as appetizing as frozen bread or are we are as warm and inviting as a rich, toasty slice of homemade bread? Which will bring people to Jesus?
What sin needs to go in order to "turn the power on?"
Friends, we live in a dark and lonely world. People long for significant connection to others and to our God. We can help, but only if God's power flows through us. Let's live in such a way that we're a conduit of our Lord's grace, mercy, and love.
"Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, 'I will confess my rebellion to the LORD.' And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone." Psalm 32:5 NLT
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: When We Want Proof but We Need Faith
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