But the news about Him was spreading even farther, and large crowds were gathering to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses. (Luke 5:15 NASB)
There was no way to direct and control the spread of fame. Everyone who encountered Jesus was talking about Him. Large crowds were assembling everywhere He went. Interestingly, the crowds had a two-fold goal. They wanted to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses.
The word used in this verse for "hear", akouĊ, means hearing with your ears, but is also used at times to indicate hearing with your heart, as well. Many people who came to Jesus wanted to hear and to understand His words. They wanted to consider all He said and determine what it meant for their lives. That is exactly what we need to do, as well. Hear, understand, consider, and apply His words to our lives. It's a tall order but one we must not fail to do. We all have a decision to make. What will we do about Jesus? Ignore Him? Reject Him? Accept and follow Him? We will all make a decision about Jesus, and it will affect our eternal destiny. One day, every knee will bow to Him. The decision you make about Jesus now will determine if that bending of the knee is joyous worship or angry submission. Which will yours be?
The crowds wanted healing as well as hearing. When we looked at Jesus's mission statement in Luke 4:16-19, we saw preaching, releasing captives, restoring sight, freeing downtrodden in His plan. Healing of physical hurts was not His primary mission. He came to heal wounded, broken hearts. Hearts like yours and mine. There is no hurt He cannot heal, but there is one requirement for healing without which no healing can occur. We have to give Him our hurt and woundedness to do with as He will. It's the "Thy Will Be Done" prayer again. At the point of brokenness and hurt, that place you wish was different but cannot change, give Christ full access. Allow Him to have the hurt, heal the hurt, use the hurt, however He desires. It's that "however" that is so terrifying yet will become so wonderful if we allow it.
Hearing and healing - two wonderful reasons to come to Jesus. There are two questions that arise from these verses, and answers are not optional.
Why do you come to Jesus?
What is your response to Him?
Pray for hearts that are open, vulnerable, and available to Jesus - for our loved ones and ourselves.
What will you do with Jesus today?
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