It's the words worth saying that I want. Words that affirm, encourage, comfort, support, and inform are all words that are likely worth saying. Of course, I think all the words I use telling patients what to do and why are worth saying, but sometimes I wonder if I'd be more effective with a few less worlds. Maybe what I need is one of those short phrases that can clatter around in your head for ages. Some years ago, I was standing outside a conference room with Brad Beck when he asked me,"Where is your margin?" (Margin = the space around the edges of your scheduled life where God has room to work) It was like a word straight from God. I didn't have any margin. Every minute of my life was jam packed. It was one of those phrases that stuck in my head until I made some much-needed changes. Not long ago, I was looking at my schedule, trying to squeeze one more thing into a too-full week, when Brad's words came back to me again. "Where is your margin?" Lost again. That's where it is. (Thanks, Brad. You are still in my head after more than a decade, and I appreciate the help!)
When it became apparent that I needed to be gluten-free, the thought of such a disruption in my life was unimaginable. One short phrase changed the task into something totally possible. My boss said, "if you will do it, I'll do it with you." It was a hard transition and the learning curve was steep, but knowing I was not alone made a huge difference.
Words spoken out loud are tremendously important, but words spoken with actions are also vital. When my mother died, my friends Rosemary and Mike Marecle showed up at my house with supper and shared the meal with me. Their actions told me that they shared my grief, that I am loved, and not alone. Of all the events surrounding my mother 's death, that dinner around my breakfast table stands out as a beacon of hope and the assurance that I would survive my loss and be fine again.
Slow Down
Lighten up!
You are not alone.
I will help.
You are loved.
Wonderful words, spoken at just the right time, can make a difference for years to come. What about your words? Are they uplifting and encouraging? Do they help others be more like Christ? Do they draw people to God or push them away?
This week, consider every word as a seed and plant them in fertile soil. Sow words that will grow a harvest that will change lives and impact the Kingdom of God forever. Words. Use them well.
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