When I was a full-time potter, one of the items that was consistently popular at the round of festivals and art shows where I sold my wares was a clay plaque that read, "Southern Spoken Here". One of them hangs above my desk at home, along with a variety of clay crosses and a clay plaque that simply says "Grace". I've seen those plaques literally hundreds of times over the years.
Today, however, I've seen them with fresh eyes. As I looked up from my computer and noticed the plaque this afternoon, I thought, "Why Southern? Why not grace?" Of course, in the heart of northeast Mississippi, Southern is exactly where and who I am, so that makes sense. I am also saved by the blood of the Lamb and overwhelmed by His mercy and grace. For that reason, grace should be spoken here, as well. Mercy should be spoken here. I hope they are.
This evening, ask yourself what is spoken in your home? Is it merely a reflection of who and where you are, or does the speech in your home serve as a reflection of WHOSE you are? May your home be so filled with the love of Christ, that all who enter will say, "Grace spoken here."
Grace Spoken Here
Good one!