There's been a tendency toward a little trouble with the name, however. It is a bulky name, but names are important, and this one is especially so. The reason is that this name tells exactly what the purpose of the project will be. The Toyota-Blue Springs Water Garden and Education Park. What will be built is a park dedicated to education. If you've seen the plans, you might not have recognized it, but there are several teaching stations throughout the park. Plans are already underway to offer field trips to area school children so that they can learn about how food is produced, how to grow food, the care of endangered species, and much, much more. I can hardly wait!!
The wonderful thing about this park is that it has "something for everyone", just as Mr. Suggs said at the press conference. We are already looking at things like Friday Night Jam, where area musicians can "jam" in the park while families enjoy picnics and children play in the play station. Saturday morning Farmer's markets are on the horizon, with home-grown vegetables, baked goods, jams and jellies, and more.
We are also looking at ways to be good stewards of the park and maintain it. It's going to be wonderful, but it will only stay wonderful with plenty of tender loving care.
You might be thinking, "She is going overboard! That park was just announced yesterday! It won't be built for months!" You would be right. The park is not scheduled to be built until September 20th.
There is a very important reason for all my scurrying around. Responsibility. Accepting a gift of this magnitude implies an acceptance of the responsibility to care for it. It implies an acceptance of the commitment to education, to maintaining the plants, the facilities. It's all part of the project. Our part just comes after the building instead of before.
The principle involved here is one you probably know well.
...From everyone who has been given much, much will be required... (Luke 12:48 NASB)
Much is being given and much will be required. Understanding that in advance makes life much easier. It's true in civic projects and responsibilities, but it's also true in our faith life as well. When God pours out tremendous blessing on us, you can be sure there is an expectation for us in return. It makes life much easier if you understand that from the start.
The way I see it, God has blessed me extravagantly. I would be remiss if I did not try to bless back in return. I sure don't want to respond to blessing with greediness and try to hold on with clinched hands, or to be a poor steward of what God has entrusted to me.
What about you? How has God blessed you? How have you responded in return? Are you a good steward of His gifts? Do you keep them for yourself or respond with generosity to what God bestows?
“Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities! (Luke 12:48 MSG)
Personal responsibility is not a very popular topic these days, but it is no less important. Be sure your response to blessings will one day bring the words we will delight to hear. "Well done, good and faithful servant."
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