There was a song in our folder that first night that I just loved. Jesus, Only Jesus by Matt Redman, Christy Nockels, Chris Tomlin, Kristian Stanfill, Nathan Nockels, and Tony Wood. Every time we sing it, I feel like Buddy from the movie Elf. "The best way to spread Jesus cheer is singing loud for all to hear." The words are so powerful, and they are so very stuck in my head, that I decided to share it with you. This vimeo video is of our little choir singing it one Sunday morning. I'm not sharing this because of how well we sang. I'm sharing it because I want you to hear the words and the music. We would do really well if we all had these words stuck in our heads and tattooed on our hearts.
"You stand alone, I stand amazed. Jesus, only Jesus."
Who has the power to raise the dead
Who can save us from our sin
He is our hope, our righteousness
Jesus, only Jesus
And who can make the blind to see
Who holds the keys that set us free
He paid it all
To bring us peace
Jesus, only Jesus
Holy King, Almighty Lord
Saints and angels all adore
I join with them and bow before
Jesus only Jesus
Who can command the highest praise
Who has the name above all names
You stand alone
I stand amazed
Jesus only Jesus
Holy King, Almighty Lord
Saints and angels all adore
I join with them and bow before
Jesus only Jesus
You will command
The highest praise
Yours is the name
Above all names
You stand alone
I stand amazed
Jesus only Jesus
One day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. There is no better way to prepare for eternity than to join with the saints and angels in praising Jesus.
Leanna, I enjoyed your post tonight. Singing has always been a way for me to communicate with God. I was raised in a Primitive Baptist Church where we have congregational singing and everyone is a member of the choir! Songs can be called for by church attendees. This gives them a chance to hear a song that might lift their spirit from sadness or help them lift their voice in a particular praise. The song leader leads the congregation in acapella style singing. For a little while, in my younger days, I led the singing, until I made a series of bad choices that led me down a path away from the Church. I realize now how much of a Blessing it was to be able to lead the congreation and see the expressions of Love, gratitude, praise, consulation, and tears in the peoples faces. I once knew the favorite songs of most of the members and tried my best to lead, when they would call out their numbers. I was often asked what was my favorite song. I would usually reply, they are all my favorite. But I have come to realize that I did have a favorite. For it was the song, I would most always turn to when no one called for a song. Tonight you reminded me of my favorite song, for that, I am grateful. The first line is: "My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and Righteousness." May God richly bless you Leanna in all your endeavors to reach out to those in need and show them a path to joy.