It seems like just yesterday, but it was March 31, 2016 that a sweet friend of mine asked me if I had a Bible study she could do. I've written a variety of studies over the years, so I headed to my filing cabinet to find something for her to study. As my hand touched the drawer, I felt so clearly, "You could write something for her."
I had way too much to do already. There was no way I could add a project of this enormity, but God was in it and it has come together. Pastor Terry Faulkner brought me a laptop loaded with a suite of commentaries to use. Pastor Scooter Noland gave me his own research notes into Hosea.
The time in which Hosea lived and ministered is so much like our own that it's a sobering look at the result of poor choices and rampant idolatry.
People have encouraged and prayed and joined in the journey with me. Today, a mere 31 days later, that study my friend wanted is a reality.
I'm reminded of what happened when Hezekiah reopened the temple.
"Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced over what God had prepared for the people, because the thing came about suddenly." 2 Chronicles 29:36 nasb
I may be the only one rejoicing, but there's no doubt in my mind that God prepared this study and it "came about suddenly."
I'm including a link in case you want to check it out and/or join us in this adventure. I'm writing as fast as I can and hope to stay a few weeks ahead of the participants.
There's a Closed Facebook group for discussion (if you want to join just let me know) and a dedicated blog for the study. (http://lessonsindiscipleship.blogspot.com)
If you're interested in a little peek, here's the link to the intro:
and here's the link to the first lesson:
I'd love it if you'd join us for all or part of the study.
God bless,
#Biblestudy #Hosea #lessonsindiscipleship
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