King David wanted to build a house for God, but God assigned that job to a "man of rest". Solomon, would build the temple. David wasn't sure his son was up to the job. Solomon was too young and inexperienced to tackle the work David most wanted, so he made a plan.
David would completely design the temple and the work flow and assignments. He would gather all the building materials and the workmen. One everything was collected, he would trust Solomon to put them all together.
When the temple was built, the Levites wouldn't have to carry around the implements, so David assigned them a new job. They were to be the official "thankers" and "praisers".
"And they are to stand every morning to thank and to praise the Lord, and likewise every evening." 1 Chronicles 23:30 nasb
I read those words and was reminded of Exodus 19:6, in which God told Moses that Israel would be a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
David may have assigned the job of morning and evening praise and thanksgiving to the Levites, but I believe God has assigned that job to us all.
I read those words in 1 Chronicles 23 yesterday and immediately began to make my morning list of thanksgiving and praise. I started with the goodness of God and the ways He has shown Himself faithful to me. I continued with thanksgiving for my family and the people with whom He has surrounded me.
The list of thanksgiving and praise was long and sweet. As the day wore on, I continued to think of things to add to my list. I was still giving thanks and praise when time for the evening praise and thanksgiving rolled around.
This morning, I had even more things for which to give thanks and I realized that, when we cultivate a habit of thanksgiving and praise to our Lord, it changes us and makes us focus on the good in our lives. It brings more joy, more contentment, more peace.
This is a habit I plan to keep. Morning and evening thanksgiving and praise. It's such a nice way to start the day. Why not try it? I've set an alarm for every twelve hours so I can be sure to do the job that must be done.
Professional thanker. Professional Praiser. Jobs worth having. Help wanted. Apply on your knees.
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In case you missed this:
Yesterday's post: Writing Fiction and Handing Off Pain
Update on the Bible study:
My Latest Adventure
#givethanks #praise #linesfromleanna
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