Saturday, October 22, 2016

Can We See God's Miracles Every Day? Yes, We Can

I've written about miracles every day this week. You might think, reading the blogs, that I see miracles every day. 

You'd be right.  

One of the reason I see miracles is because I look for signs of God at work around me. Henry Blackaby, in his now-classic book, Experiencing God, encouraged his readers to "find where God is at work around you and join in with what He's doing." We can't join God's work if we can't find it. We can't find it if we never look with expectation.

Think back over yesterday. Look at your day with fresh eyes. What miracles did you see? 

Here's a portion of what I saw God do yesterday: 

1) Reconciliation between two believers who finally found common ground. There hadn't been open animosity. Instead, there was distrust, dislike, and envy. God swept it all away. 

2) A concert of prayer offered freely by fellow believers during a time of great need.

3) Answered prayer that was sent in such a specific and clear way there could be no doubt. (I prayed that, in a meeting, someone would make a specific request if I was to proceed, and they did. Word for word.)

4) When the games and prizes for Blue Springs Day were nothing more than stacks on my screened porch and a list on a piece of paper I couldn't keep up with, I was completely overwhelmed. I hadn't announced my need to anyone except God. My friend, Edith, offered her help. In three hours, we'd enjoyed a meal together and completely organized the entire project. 

5) Sam was able to eat his entire dinner without any choking, swallowed every bite without trouble, and ate everything on his plate. (This is a huge miracle) He ate it at the same rate Edith and I ate, which is an even greater miracle.

6) I have a comfortable house, an intact roof over my head, electricity, internet, food, central air and heat. (They may not seem like miracles to us, but ask anyone in a third-world country. They are.)

7) One of our missionaries was frustrated and upset about a situation. She emailed me yesterday. "I need a miracle right now."  My coworker and I stopped  and prayed for her. We didn't even know the need, but God did. Before I could read the next email, the missionary sent a new message. "God did it!" Her problem was completely resolved in an instant. (To be perfectly clear, this miracle was in no way related to Leanna. We cried out to God, He heard, He answered. Miracles always begin and end in God.)

Once I started making my list, I realized I could go on and on. (Yes. I'm director of intercessory prayer for a mission-sending organization, but only one of those miracles was because of my position.) 

God is at work around us. If we don't see the evidence He leaves behind, it's not His fault. Our responsibility is to open our eyes and look for Him.

You may be asking, "Is this possible for me?" Yes. It is. 

The Christian faith is not a series of rules to be followed. It's a relationship to be embraced. 

When we accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, we enter a relationship that is more vibrant and alive than any of our relationships on earth will ever be. If we are faithful, that relationship will grow sweeter as the days go by. 

Are you experiencing God at work around you? If not, ask Him to show you what changes you need to make. Ask Him, too, to open your eyes. 

What about you? How have you seen God at work around you this week? What miracles have you seen? Comment below or message me.  I LOVE hearing about the wondrous acts of God (big or small). Feel free to share.

"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 nasb
photo above is of a sunrise over the Sea of Galilee, and it's a miracle that I was in position to see it.
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: The Day Time Stood Still
#miracles #Christian

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