Friday, February 10, 2017

When You've Been Kicked in the Repenter One Too Many Times

Sometimes, I absolutely say the dumbest things imaginable. Last night was a perfect example. 

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that James kicked me in the repenter just about every day while I was writing the study. One day, I got kicked so bad, I repented and cried all day, but I kept typing. Now that I'm taking the study I wrote, he's kicking me in the repenter again. 

There comes a point when you're ashamed to blog about repenting even one more time. Obviously, I'm doing it anyway.

Last night, I crawled into bed with my Bible and my laptop. I didn't really think I could do my morning Bible study the night before, but I thought maybe I could write a blog without Bible study. (That never works, so don't worry. I didn't do it.) 

Anyway, I was bone-tired and sick of all the repenter-kicking, so I announced, out loud, to the Lord. "I'm not gonna repent of anything tomorrow." Yes. It still sounds stupid today.

That still small voice whispered in my heart, "Oh, really?"

I deserved a lot worse than that, but those two words cut me to the core. "No, sir. I'll just get started tonight. I'm really sorry for that sassiness." 

As it turns out, refusing to repent for a whole day is a very bad idea. In fact, when we sin, we're suppose to repent on the spot and stop doing the sin. I highly recommend it.

There's nothing better than a clean heart and a right spirit, but you can't have them unless you allow God to get rid of the sin-mess first. Today, let's make an early start at repenting, and keep at it until we're done. 

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 nasb

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 nasb
ps - photo above was taken at the Lithostrotos, traditional site of Jesus' beating, place where soldiers cast lots, and Pilate delivered Him to the Jews to be crucified. John 19:13.
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post:  Using Grace as a Speech-Seasoning

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