"Go... and make disciples." Matthew 28:19 nasb
My friend, Missy Lunceford, gave me these beautiful hands, and they've served to remind me of the providing Hand of God, the sacrificing Hands of Christ on the cross, and the praying hands of supplication.
Today, they are a reminder of the serving hands of the body of Christ.
The Global Outreach International Mission Conference is today. It's being held at Hope Church and it starts at 2 pm. We'll be there until about 9 pm tonight. Global missionaries from around the world will gather and share their stories. They'll set up booths, tell anyone who will listen about the people groups they serve and the work they are doing. They'll probably invite those who are willing to come alongside them and serve in short-term missions.
The public is invited. In case you're wondering, that means you and me. We'll learn and worship and, of course, have a finger-food meal together this evening. You don't have to be there for the entire conference. Come when you can. Stay as long as you can. It's free.
This conference is different from what Global has done before. It's more comprehensive. It's deeper. It's bigger.
There will be great workshops this afternoon. I wish I could attend every one of them. Look at these terrific topics and consider which one you should attend:
- Pursuing Business as Mission for the Glory of God
- Short Term Trip, Long Term Fruit
- From Passionate to Proficient
- Living the Story of the Bible
- The Mission Mindset
- The Mission Mindset
- Artists and the Modern Mission Movement
- Resilience in Mission
- Storytelling and the Modern Mission Movement
- Finishing Strong: Missions for Retirees and Second Careers
- Finishing Strong: Missions for Retirees and Second Careers
- Syrian Refugees: Unprecedented Tragedy, Unprecedented Opportunity
- Engage, a Ministry of AFA
- Eternal Promises Upholding Modern Missionaries
- Orphan Care
- Pastors' Role in Missions
There will be a prayer room and anyone who'd like to have someone pray with them is welcome. If you'd just like to pray alone, the room will be open. Drop off a prayer request. Pray for the missionaries. Join us at the feet of our Lord.
There was a time when I expected to be on the foreign mission field. That's not how my life turned out, for a variety of reasons that are best left to another time. Instead of going, I've sent the words God has given me literally around the world. I've lost track of the number of countries where Lines from Leanna is read, but every one of those countries is precious to me. Every one represents people hungry for the Word of God and the Hope of a Savior. They aren't looking for entertainment. They're looking for hope. For truth.
If you're tempted to tell me I'm a missionary, please don't waste your breath. I'm not.
It is the ones who have left their homes and their families and the comfortable life in the United States who are missionaries. They've sacrificed in ways we can't begin to understand. Their lives are not easy. They are not so comfortable as we'd like to believe. They are heroes in the faith.
These superhero missionaries are sacrificing for our Savior. As one who is home, I'm deeply grateful for their work and their sacrifice. They are doing what we are not, and, as the body of Christ, we must be willing to support them by listening, by praying, by going to help when we can, by giving.
I hope you'll come today. It's going to be a great conference. There'll be lots of blessings for those who want them, so join us, even if it's just for a little while.
It will be worth it.
It will be worth it.
I look forward to seeing you there.
In case you missed any of the past week's posts, here are the links: Maggie: Being Light, The Grateful Heart: Predawn Stillness, The Grateful Heart: Orchestration of God, The Grateful Heart: Avoiding Distraction, Maggie: Eye Protection, and Maggie: Wanting Eye Drops.
Here's the link to The Clay Papers, (a collection of stories about pottery class and becoming what the potter intends) available as an e-book for personal use or to send as a gift for only 99 cents.
In case you missed any of the past week's posts, here are the links: Maggie: Being Light, The Grateful Heart: Predawn Stillness, The Grateful Heart: Orchestration of God, The Grateful Heart: Avoiding Distraction, Maggie: Eye Protection, and Maggie: Wanting Eye Drops.
The most read posts of the past week: (for the first time ever there's a tie) Maggie:Forgiving and Forgetting and Maggie: Being Light.
Here's the link for The Road to Bethlehem: An Advent Prayer and Devotional Guide, available on Amazon for 99 cents e-book. Paperback $6.00 (Also available to send as an e-gift)
#globaloutreach #missionconference #missionaries #disciple #JesusChrist
It sounds wonderful, Leanna! I wish I could be there.